To Move or Not to Move ?
Is it Time to Move? 5 Questions to ask Yourself
Many times when I speak with folks they are stressed out thinking about whether they should move to a smaller space or stay where they are.
Every situation is different and every person is unique. I often tell those I talk to that there are no easy answers to this question. There are varying opinions from family and friends who mean well and are advising with concern and love.
It is important to take time and reflect on how you want to see your future unravel. It is important that you make the decision yourself – to move or not to move – while you are well and able.
Here are 5 questions that can help you as you contemplate a possible move:
- Is your home too large, now that your kids are gone?
- Is your home &/or yard too much work to maintain?
- Does your home have too many steps?
- Are you living alone and concerned about security?
- Would you like to make your own decisions about when and where your next move will be?
Almost all the clients that I do help move to a smaller space are very happy with their decision. They always tell me how relieved and lighter they feel.