Senior Downnsizing – 6 Indicators You Have TOO MUCH STUFF

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As a Senior I suspect that you already know if you’ve got too much stuff lying around or need to downsize your home, but here are some senior downsizing indicators to help you make your decision. Senior Downsizing Indicators When I go to hang up a shirt or blouse in the closet I have to push aside the other clothes to make space.   I can’t see the floor in my closets.   At least one bedroom has been turned into a storage area.   We rent storage space or […]


Guilt – “The Gift That Keeps on Giving” by Guest Blogger Julie Hall (The Estate

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Each day, I work closely with heirs struggling with guilt when dealing with what their parents have left behind.  Some parents leave more than others, and some downsize long before their time comes.  Some are so attached to their possessions, they leave it all for their children to contend with.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear they use their possessions as an anchor to this world, not fully understanding that when you are called to enter the heavenly gates, you can’t take a thing with you.  You leave […]


Senior Downsizing – The Best Case Scenario

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Senior downsizing is best done early.  Moving when you want to – not when you have to –  is always the best case scenario. Why, because moving while you are still in charge, helps your well being in many ways. You can direct where you want to go, take the things you treasure with you, and decide where the rest will go. Waiting too long can have dreadful consequences. A Senior Downsizing: Noreen Take Noreen, she had broken her hip and was convalescing but couldn’t regain her good health. She decided to […]


DOWNSIZE? The Right Approach in Helping

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Downsize?  You know that feeling you get when you have to tackle a big project and aren’t sure where to begin? Imagine it; only now imagine your joints and muscles don’t move like they used to. Your vision is less sharp. Perhaps you even are in physical pain when you move around too much. You have some unspoken anxieties about aging. Oh, and imagine those feelings magnified tenfold. This is the feeling many aging parents have when their children approach them with the suggestion, “It is time to go through […]


A Win Win for Helping Parents Move

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Marlene’s parents had always been  there for her.  Bertie and John had lived quite independently well into their eighties.  Both of their children lived away from them but were in regular phone contact with them, visiting as often as they could.  Marlene had her family as well as a full time job and was caught up in the whirlwind of trying to juggle all the plates and keeping sane at the same time. Marlene had had a wonderful childhood.  As she watched her parents becoming more fragile she wanted to […]


Life is Hard. Massive Trend to Simplify

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SIMPLIFY  We hear this word repeatedly these days.  Read what our guest blogger Julie Hall says about the trend she is seeing in her work. In the last 6 months, I have had about 15 clients preparing to leave the U.S.  Several are headed to Costa Rica, one to Belize, and the others mostly Belgium and Switzerland.  A couple of others are selling off all their worldly possessions and traveling the country, having sold their businesses and converted their belongings to cash. In my practice, I am seeing a huge […]


A Sudden Move for Mom

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I received the call on a Friday evening,  Ally was calling from Tennessee asking for help with her Mom .  Her Mom, Beth, was being released from the hospital and her doctor ordered that she not go back to her 1 bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility.  After several falls and recovered broken bones the doctor felt it was time for this 82 year old Mom to have more care. Ally planned to arrive the following Monday to assist with her mom’s move to the small care home where […]


So Many Pictures! What to Do with Them??

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Pictures bring out wonderful memories of times gone by. However, an accumulation of pictures can hold memories of 3 generations maybe more! So, what should you do with boxes of photos, albums, slides ad scrapbooks when you begin to downsize and have limited space?  And what about your framed pictures? These precious memories must be handled with great care and respect. When you first receive a beautiful framed picture of your children or grandchildren you happily display it. It gives so much pleasure. As the years go by and that […]


Til’ Death Do Us Part – Our Stuff??

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By our guest blogger Julie Hall © 2013 Julie Hall STUFF! “Til Death do us part” Most of us enjoy hearing those words during a wedding ceremony, where the new couple is floating in bliss and envision being by each others side until death separates them.  From my perspective, however, I see people who have a very passionate relationship with their material possessions (stuff), sometimes more so than each other!  If I didn’t know better, I would say they behave as if they can take their possessions with them when they […]


Beware of Rogue Movers

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We have all heard the stories about people who were scammed by a “rogue mover” – a company that is not a professional mover and charges way more than the original estimate. Those same people may have watched the truck drive off with all their belongings never to see them again. Do not let this happen to you. Here’s how a rogue mover typically works: The mover gives a phone or online estimate only without visiting your home and requires a deposit or full payment up front. On moving day, the […]