Apr, 2012

7 Tips for a Successful Senior Move

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  1. TAKE ACTION. If you are capable, take action. Enlist the help of friends and family to lend support.
  2. DON’T GO IT ALONE.  Moving is difficult but you don’t have to do it alone.  Find those that can give you tools, assistance, motivation, encouragement and information to help with the transition.
  3. WHERE DO I START?  Start with a plan and a time table. Then you stick to it and re-adjust as you go.
  4. WHAT DO I TAKE?  Remember that you are moving to a smaller home. Take only those things that give you a great deal of pleasure.
  5. BEST OF SHOW.  Just keep and display one item from a collection to represent the whole collection.
  6. AVOID FAMILY SQUABBLES. Little sticky notes are a great way to mark what you want for a particular person or for your child to indicate his or her preferences.
  7. SAY NO TO STORAGE.  As tempting as it may be, the things you put in a mini storage unit frequently aren’t worth the monthly fee you will pay for keeping them.


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