Oct, 2012
3 Tips to Sorting Your Space
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or beautiful.” William Morris
Moving from your home may not be in your future plans but downsizing and sorting through your stuff will create a less cluttered space and a fresh new look. Taking one project at a time over a period of weeks you will discover that your home will become more comfortable. Sorting through each space and finding things that you haven’t needed or used for a period of time will give you tremendous peace of mind and a lighter future.
Senior Sorting Tips
Here are three tips to get you started:
1) Start with the room you use the least. The room not always used on a daily basis such as a guest room or craft room. Begin sorting in the closets and drawers of the room you have chosen. Have a garbage bag ready to stuff with giveaways. You may need more than one once you get going!
2) Don’t begin sorting any other space in the house until the one room is completed. Remember that downsizing takes time and by working on one space at a time it helps you not to get your place in a state of chaos!
3) Once you have succeeded sorting through the room that you chose, you will feel motivated to choose another area in your home. If you have an attic, basement, crawlspace or garage you may be ready to tackle sorting through one of them. These are the places we tend to place things we don’t use anymore. If in Doubt – Throw it Out!! These spaces can be sorted without messing up your living space.
Sorting Reminder
Sorting one area at a time is the rule of thumb.